EPL today announced a major conversion of a leading brand partner Vicco Labs to 100% recyclable packaging. Vicco labs and EPL have jointly worked to convert Vicco's 'Turmeric' range of products to recyclable Platina tubes.
Platina 250, 300 & 350 Lamitubes have been recognized by the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR), USA as meeting or exceeding the strict APR HDPE critical guidance criteria on recyclability.
Both Vicco Labs and EPL teams have worked together to do the required testing and ensure quality protocols are met before the products are launched in the market.
Vicco is one of the early movers to recyclable tube format, which is in line with its vision to convert to recyclable packaging. This set of products has converted the Vicco Turmeric Skin Cream, Vicco Turmeric Aloe Vera Skin Cream, Vicco Turmeric WSO Cream, and Vicco Turmeric Face Wash range to recyclable packaging. It is now available in Modern Trade, E-Commerce Platforms & Traditional Trade platforms.